Dr. Carlos Rubén Ruiz Medrano. Historian and Author.



Carlos Rubén Ruiz Medrano has a PhD in History of America from the University of Seville, Spain. He also has been certified with the Level 2 from the National Research System (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores), by the National Council of Science and Technology of the Mexican Government (CONACYT). At the present time he works as Professor-Researcher at the Department of History at the El Colegio de San Luis A.C., in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.

Over the years, Dr. Ruiz Medrano has specialized in different fields of historical knowledge which allowed him to develop various theoretical and methodological proposals to understand different social, cultural, and economic processes from a broader perspective.

His research work has focused on the cultural history of resistance and social dissidence throughout the Mexican colonial period.

The result of his work has been several publications, journals, international conferences, and research books where he explains the importance of power and domination relations and the key role they play in shaping subjugation, but also, its parallel expressions of social discomfort throughout the Mexican colonial period. Texts such as “Los Rehusados”, “El Mesías Diego”, “Las sombrías aventuras del rey tlaxcalteco, Juan Vincencio de Córdoba”, and “La odisea del capitán Zapato Sax”, propose new theoretical frameworks to understand the phenomenon of social dissidence, resistance and antagonism from a cultural perspective. In all of his books Dr. Ruiz Medrano tries to recover the voices of the social actors throughout the mexican colonial period.

His works on environmental history along with the impact of mining activities during the hispanic colonization of northern of Mexico, seeks to highlight (through specific cases) the complex articulation between culture and nature and how it forge new cultural and economic landscapes in the territories. In some of his works and book chapters, Dr. Ruiz Medrano shows under new schemes the complex link between economic activities (mining, ranching, and Large-scale agriculture) with environmental and social changes in colonial Mexico.

Along with these studies, Dr. Carlos Rubén Ruiz Medrano has different research books about the important topic of cultural and historical heritage and cultural landscapes.